We get it – sometimes something just doesn’t work for you and you want to return. As long as item(s) are still in their original condition, you can return these within 3 days from the moment your order is delivered. Please note that custom-order item is non-returnable.

In order to receive a full refund, all items must be returned to us unworn/unused and in the same condition you received them with their original packaging. If an item is returned to us damaged, worn or in an unsuitable condition, we won’t be able to give you a refund. All items are inspected on return.

Please note that returns registered separately can’t be returned in one package, even if they are from the same order. Combining the returns into the same package will slow down the refund process, so please package separately!

Please retain any proof of return postage receipts as we may need to view these as part of your return.

When Will I Get My Refund?

This can depend on how long it takes your chosen returns courier to get the items back to us before being processed for a return at our warehouse. We only offer refunds onto the original payment method used to make the order.

Refunds will be actioned as soon as possible from the date we receive your order back to our warehouse. Please note it can take up to an additional 5 days for your refund to appear in your account once processed.

Received a Wrong Item

In the unlikely event you have receive a wrong item, please contact us within 7 days of the delivery date with the following information:

  • Your order number
  • The name of the item you didn’t receive
  • A photo of the item you have received
Once we’ve received the above info, we will get this sorted for you as soon as possible!

Received a Damaged or Defective Item

For information on what to do with a damaged or defective item, click here and check the appropriate section. Please note that you don’t need to return in this case where alternative solutions will be provided.

Something Missing From Your Order

For information on what to do if something missing from your order, click here and check the appropriate section. Please note that you don’t need to return in this case where alternative solutions will be provided.

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